PrusaConnect - "Nozzle Clean Failed" Upon Starting Print - MK4
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PrusaConnect - "Nozzle Clean Failed" Upon Starting Print - MK4  

PrusaConnect - "Nozzle Clean Failed" Upon Starting Print - MK4
  • Prusa Link Type:
    • Prusa Connect over ethernet
  • Prusa Link Version:
    • N/A?
  • Printer Type:
    • Factory Assembled MK4 w/ 0.6mm ObXidian nozzle (using Prusament ABS - White)
  • Printer Firmware:
    • 6.0.1+14848
  • PrusaSlicer Version:
    • 2.7.4
  • Description of Bug:
    • Upon starting a print via PrusaConnect, the print common pauses due to the error of "Nozzle Cleaning Failed". Upon trying to resume the print via PrusaConnect, this typically will fail again and again. However, if I go and press "retry" on the printer itself, it will always seems to work correctly. 
Publié : 31/05/2024 2:44 pm
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