Connect Error - Nozzle Diameter Does Not Match
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Connect Error - Nozzle Diameter Does Not Match  

Active Member
Connect Error - Nozzle Diameter Does Not Match

I am now seeing an error whenever I send a job to my MMU3 equipped Mk4 printer. When I select "Send to Connect" in PrusaSlicer (2.8.1), the printer selection pop-up states "Nozzle diameter does not match".  I immediately checked the setting in both PrusaSlicer and on the printer itself, and they both matched with a 0.4mm nozzle (not that I'd made any changes to the settings).

I then looked at Connect and under Settings for the printer, I found that there is now a 'Nozzles' display which indicates the nozzle size for each slot (probably an XL thing). However, all slots state that the diameter is 0mm, as well as the status of High Flow and Hardened nozzles (Enabled/Disabled).

I'm guessing that there is a setting somewhere for the nozzle size/type in Connect, but I can't find it.  The printer continues to print OK.

Any thoughts?

Ce sujet a été modifié il y a 4 hours par REB
Publié : 25/09/2024 2:58 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Connect Error - Nozzle Diameter Does Not Match

Sorry, forgot to add my printer info

Connect Web Page

Printer Type: Original Prusa MK4

Firmware: 6.1.3+7898

Printer UUID: b7863e73-926b-4299-8fb8-787be534bc6e

PrusaSlicer version: 2.8.1

Publié : 25/09/2024 3:45 pm
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