Cancel Object not always an option on Connect
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Cancel Object not always an option on Connect  

Active Member
Cancel Object not always an option on Connect

PrusaLink type (Raspberry Pi Zero / Pi 3 / Pi 4) - Mk4

PrusaLink version

Printer type: Mk4

Printer UUID (you can find it in Printer detail page - address line): bab6708b-02da-4fe2-b0d2-de45d5639a7c

Printer firmware version: 5.1.3+13503

PrusaSlicer version (if applicable): 2.7.3

Description of the bug, including steps to reproduce (if possible). When clicking into the print, it takes you to the print history page where the cancel objects screen is normally seen. However on certain prints with multiple objects this does not show up. I can go into the printer menu on the Mk4 and go into cancel object and see the options to cancel any of the objects still so I know prusa slicer is sending the info and putting the labels in. I have verified settings and made sure prusa slicer is set to Firmware-specific for label objects setting. 

This upload shows the cancel objects


While this one does not give an option, but it does on the printer


Posted : 31/03/2024 4:54 pm
RE: Cancel Object not always an option on Connect

I also have this issue

Posted : 22/05/2024 12:27 pm
Active Member
RE: Cancel Object not always an option on Connect

I opened a support call and the call went really well but the engineer said he was going to have to check some things with the devs and get back to me - but that never happened. No follow up emails.

At the time it seemed to be related to how the print was submitted, if it was submitted direct from PrusaSlicer to PrusaLink, neither the preview nor the cancel object worked. If it was copied directly to the USB, neither worked as it wasn't "local" to PrusaConnect. Sent directly to PrusaConnect via the API (pre 2.8.0) the thumbnail would work but the cancel objects option wouldn't show up. Just uploaded gcode and neither the preview or cancel object worked.

Posted : 01/07/2024 8:08 pm
RE: Cancel Object not always an option on Connect

Same issue here.

G-code uploaded directly from Prusa Slicer to Physical Printer.

I can cancel objects on the printer, not with the Pusa Connect though.


Posted : 10/07/2024 8:56 am