401 You are not allowed to see this page
hi there
does anyone have this problem? Yesterday prusa connect works fine. Today its not possible to connect and to logon in prusa connect.
deleteing cookies and restarting browser doesnt helped.
any tips any solutions?
RE: 401 You are not allowed to see this page
If I logout, exit the browser and re-enter, I see the screen for about 1 second until a login pops up. Can you select the login in the upper right?
When I logged out of prusa connect, it also logged me out of the forum. I use Chrome
RE: 401 You are not allowed to see this page
I use Firefox. I can press the login button .. but the only thing i see is 401 - You are not allowed to see this page
Intresting thing is that Edge and Chrome are working. Only Firefox isnt working.
Just started early today for me. Still able to authenticate fine via PrusaSlicer with no problems.
Web login via Brave browser now '401: unauthorised'.
Tried using Safari to eliminate cached cookie issues. No change.
Only recent change my end was using a different Wifi SSID, but still the same issue going back to old one.
Oh. And I had to relogin back into the forum, but that authenticates no problem.
RE: 401 You are not allowed to see this page
UPDATE: Even removing stored credentials from browser still results in 'unauthorized'.
Unable to actually enter credentials.
Straight from 'Login' directly to '401 unauthorized' without any login dialog displayed.
PrusaConnect weblogin is unservicable. Hopefully it will be fixed soon 🙂
RE: 401 You are not allowed to see this page
UPDATE: PrusaSlicer > PrusaConnect API Key vanished. Managed to upload a print file that is currently printing but copious 'Missing API Key' errors. Editing auth config revealed no key. Re-adding key and saving warned about over-riding existing printer (albeit invisible). So, added/overwrote printer but it now wants a whole new printer code. None of this makes any sense and I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it. This is the problem with cloud software. It is prone to acts of god outside one's control.
RE: 401 You are not allowed to see this page
hi - it solved the problem in my chrome to login on https://www.prusa3d.com/
after that a refresh in connect any anything works again :)!
Happy printing!