MK4S + Enclosure + External Display confusion
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MK4S + Enclosure + External Display confusion  

MK4S + Enclosure + External Display confusion

Hey all,

I just purchased the MK4S + Original Enclosure kit.  I finished building the printer and successfully calibrated and ran a print.  Now, I'm looking to build the enclosure around the unit.  Here's where I'm getting confused:

-I want to mount the display externally.
-Apparently the newer enclosure kits do not come with the required parts, so I have to print them (no big deal).
-When looking at the assembly manual, there are only instructions to print parts for the MK4, and not the MK4S.
-Bottom line:  Can I mount the display externally for the MK4S, if so, what parts do I need to print and which assembly instructions should I follow?

I'm sure I'm missing something silly, but any help in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.




This topic was modified 5 hours ago by LelandT50
Posted : 29/09/2024 7:06 pm
Reputable Member
RE: MK4S + Enclosure + External Display confusion

I am pretty sure there are no changes to the LCD between MK4 and MK4S so you can use the MK4 printable parts and assembly instructions.  but there appears to be a change to the LCD supports for the MK4S.  The Printables site for the enclosure printable parts shows a print for the injection moulded LCD supports as well as versions A and B prints for the LCD support.

Step 26  of 2C for f the enclosure with external LCD assembly instructions shows what you need and the parts are on the Printables website

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Posted : 29/09/2024 8:31 pm