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Hinged Lid and Advanced Filtering system  

New Member
Hinged Lid and Advanced Filtering system


today I assembled my advanced filtering system. It looks like the filtering system and the hinged lid addon are not fully compatible. In the instructions step 24 and 25 are not fully compatible if the hinged lid is installed.

So I changed the damper position and turned the one, that is in conflict with the hinged lid. To secure the damper I used a nut.

I'm a little bit disappointed because I thought the advanced filtering system offers me a chance to use it as a fan and to control the temperature inside. But this is not possible. Do you know if there is a fan planned for the enclosure?


Installation of the advanced filtering system with mounted hinged lid:

Turned around the damper in the conflict position:

Secure the damper with a nut:

Installation is possible. The damper is a spacer between the parts.


Greetings from Germany,

Postato : 23/10/2022 10:21 am
Active Member
RE: Hinged Lid and Advanced Filtering system

I just attached the filtration sytem to the left sidewall to avoid interference with the hinged lid...

Postato : 23/07/2024 12:01 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Hinged Lid and Advanced Filtering system

I think the problem is that there are two different right hinges, one for the advanced filtration system and one for without.  It looks like you have the one without and that is why you cannot use the appropriate nut and are having issues.  I just looked at mine and it looks different than your picture.  See the link below.  you need to print part "RT" not "R".  It will work if your print the other right hinge part.

Strange women, laying in ponds, distributing swords, is hardly a basis for a system of governance!

Postato : 03/08/2024 11:12 pm