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Z Offset Changing between print and calibration  

New Member
Z Offset Changing between print and calibration

I recently finished assembling the printer (including adjusting the superpinda sensor height) and completed the first layer calibration. The first layer height and adhesion worked great. I was able to then print the included whistle without an issue. On my next print I tried to print the included frog. It failed on the first attempt because of a first layer adhesion problem about 15 minutes in. I retried and on the second attempt I noticed that it was hitting the printed material and stopped again about 15 minutes in. On the third attempt I heard a clicking in the extruder and noticed that the hotend was now buried on metal sheet to the point that the print is permanently imprinted. I then redid the first layer calibration and significantly reduced the z offset. The first layer adhesion looked good in this modified configuration. I then tried the frog print again but immediately had first layer adhesion issues with the hot end being well above the plate. I stopped it and went back to the configuration and moved the z offset down again until it looked good. When I went back to print the hot end was again in the plate and the extruder was clicking.

Everytime I configure and then try to print its now the same situation. Anyone seen this or have suggestions on what the issue might be?

Publié : 21/02/2022 11:59 pm
Illustrious Member

Please show us a picture of your first layer Z calibration print on the print sheet.


Publié : 22/02/2022 1:29 am
Active Member

Could your pinda sensor be moving between prints?

Publié : 05/03/2022 7:36 pm
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