Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.
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Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.  

Active Member
Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.


New to printing. I've printed a few models that turned out great, but am having major issues getting a solid first layer print now. Have already crashed and scraped both of my sheets. The PINDA sensor does NOT prevent crashing. It is set perfectly as instructed in the manual (a zip tie tip higher than the bottom of the nozzle. It's not as simple as that though as there seems to be ton of issues with the printer.

I cannot get the bed perfectly level. I know I need to "hand tighten" each of the 9 bed screws in order: center, edges, corners. All the rods are set correctly. I redid the bed screws (again) and seemed to have gotten it pretty close, but I crashed the nozzle into it again (why does the PINDA sensor not prevent this?).

The worst issue of all that makes zero sense to me is that I'll set the Z level to -1.5 (for instance) and then when I go to do another first layer calibration immediately after the nozzle crashes hard into the sheet. WTF? It's as though the printer changes the real world Z level on it's own. No consistency.

Please offer advice on how to resolve. I would like this too work, but honestly, it's been a bad experience so far. I'm leaning towards returning it if that's an option.



Respondido : 15/11/2022 6:55 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

Update... I couldn't live with myself if I didn't investigate further. I removed the hotbed completely and tightened all the coupling nuts as much as I could. I then reinstalled the hotbed, tightening the bed screws with quite a bit of torque. Reran all the self tests and set to -1.7 and it seems to be printing well. I was able to get consistent 1st layer calibrations with no crashing. Currently printing a couple small models.

1 question does remain though. Why didn't the SuperPINDA sensor prevent the nozzle from crashing into the sheet?

Respondido : 15/11/2022 9:48 pm
Illustrious Member

Does the PINDA react when you bring a metal tool close to it?

Is the PINDA firm in its mount?


Respondido : 16/11/2022 12:50 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

Yes and Yes.

Respondido : 16/11/2022 1:32 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

I got 1x 30 min print to finish and it looked great. Went to print a much larger model (5 hours), came back and it became unstuck from the surface and was a mess. Now can't get a good first layer calibration and it collided with the sheet again.

Respondido : 16/11/2022 1:57 am
Illustrious Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

OK, take a careful look at step 4 on https://help.prusa3d.com/guide/how-to-replace-superpinda-mk3s-mk3s_179920

Unplug and reinsert the PINDA connection.

This is to ensure a good connection in case of dirt or corrosion - and to rule out the off chance of a loose plug.

Any improvement?  If so run a first layer Z calibration and show us the result *on the print sheet*


Respondido : 16/11/2022 4:12 am
GillBates me gusta
Illustrious Member

Oops! I gave you the Mk3 version by mistake, in your case look at step 7 of https://help.prusa3d.com/guide/how-to-replace-superpinda-mini-mini_179912


Respondido : 16/11/2022 4:20 am
GillBates me gusta
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

I'll reconnect the pinda sensor tomorrow and likely even remove the current zip ties on there in case there's too much tension.


Respondido : 16/11/2022 5:16 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

Reconnected the PINDA sensor cable. Ran 4 first layer calibration tests. Nozzle crashed into sheet and scraped across it on the 4th test.

1st round: a little high. Set Z level to -.500.

2nd round: Way to high. Set Z to -1.800 and that was pretty close. (Why the shift 1.3mm?)

3rd round: Just a little high. Set to -1.850. Looked very close.

4th round: Nozzle crashed and scraped across the sheet. Had to raise to about -.900 to get it off the sheet.

2 primary issues:

  1. The Z level calibration is not consistent between prints.
  2. The sensor is not preventing crashing into the sheet.

What are next steps? Check belt tension? Firmware is latest.


Respondido : 22/11/2022 12:19 am
Estimable Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

You seem like a person to double check everything, so this probably doesn't apply. The only time I've gotten a bed crash on the Mini was, when the bedsheet got stuck in the threads of the screws, which are supposed to guide the bedsheet into the correct position, resulting in the bed being slightly lifted in the back. Honestly don't understand why Prusa doesn't use smooth rods there, so this issue can't even occur.

Prusa Mini FW4.4.1

Respondido : 23/11/2022 9:13 am
Active Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

Check that your PINDA Sensor is tight in the holder and there is no movement. I had similar problems recently which were caused by a loose PINDA sensor.

Respondido : 23/11/2022 11:14 am
Veteran Member Moderator
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

On the Mk2, I used to always start a print at the same position, I chose 60mm above the heatbed and extruder central over the bed. 

the Mk2 Pinda was not temperature compensated, and starting prints at different heights above the build plate, lead to different sensitivity within the Pinda. and therefore different sensitivity...

print consistency improved with this approach, 

It may well work with Spinda, which is supposed to be more temperature stable, but doesn't have temperature compensation. 

regards Joan

I try to make safe suggestions,You should understand the context and ensure you are happy that they are safe before attempting to apply my suggestions, what you do, is YOUR responsibility. Location Halifax UK

Respondido : 23/11/2022 4:31 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

Try going into the Info | Sensor Info menu. It will show you what the SuperPINDA is reading. Bring some metal up close and see that it changes from a 0 to a 1. Then wiggle wires to make sure it is not intermittent. It sounds like something is loose to me if it works intermittently. There are a couple place where the wires can be pinched.



Respondido : 23/11/2022 10:07 pm
New Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

I finished the assembly of my mini+ a few days ago I had exactly the same issue (using latest firmware 4.4.0).

I checked everything (plug and unplugged sensor, checked sensor info to see with metal object it detects correctly, checked it is all very well screwed and rigid etc...)

It is just NOT consistent at all it can vary up to 0.8mm between 2 first layer calibration!!!

I did damage my plate and it is not an assembly error and not my fault, all the points PRUSA asked me to check were perfectly OK...

Currently my though is My sensor is defective and having the internal temperature compensation not working and therefore derivation in the measurement happens...

I have ordered a NEW sensor at my cost and will try to replace it if it is fine, I will ask a refund.

Will keep you updated and will do some precision measurement test on both sensor if I can.

Respondido : 09/12/2022 10:44 am
New Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

Hello guys, I have the same problem with my Mini+. Basically I make the first layer calibration, works well, usually -1200 or so. Print few things, all good. The other day I start printing and it engrave deep holes in my sheet. 

Was in touch with support, checked all possible, at the end of the day they have provided me with new PINDA since some tests were not 100% (blinking when moving over the sheet, dependency on temperature and also sometimes sensor error appeared). 

I have exchange it, all tests passed, calibration and successful followed up with successful print (4h). The other day even deeper hole in my sheet. Temp and humidity in my room is consistent. 

Really don't want to do the first layer calibration before every print.

I did all the checks proposed in this thread, any more ideas?



Respondido : 03/01/2023 3:46 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.

To prevent such crashes, I have constructed a z-axis buffer:



Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.

Respondido : 03/01/2023 11:52 pm
Active Member


I had a smilar problem after building the mini+ and running into this problem (which - in retrospect - is similar to this problem): After setup, my Z-Axis correction varied between -1.7 and -0.5 which lead to a little accident engraving the metal plate. (luckily just on the edge)

The solution to both problems was to loosen the two screws of the Z-Axis thread as explained here

After loosening the two mentioned screws a little bit more, I found the Z-level inconsistencies resolved. The two screws should be barely tightened, and only be there to hold the trapezoidal nut into place. This would be consistent with my initial problem, where the tightend screws prevented a frictionless Z-Axis movement. In worse cases this prevents the Z-Axix test to pass, and in mild cases apparently "just" leads to varying Z-heights. 

Esta publicación ha sido modificada el hace 2 years por cubeasic
Respondido : 15/04/2023 2:20 pm
New Member
RE: Z level is not consistent between prints. SuperPINDA sensor does NOT prevent nozzle from crashing into the sheet.


I have tried, but unfortunately no success. How tight do you have it? 



Respondido : 17/04/2023 4:03 pm