X axis problem
So I have this problem when I try to autohome on my prusa mini it moves the X axis but it goes to the side and it crashesh in to the plastic part. Any ideas how to fix this ??
RE: X axis problem
So I have this problem when I try to autohome on my prusa mini it moves the X axis but it goes to the side and it crashesh in to the plastic part. Any ideas how to fix this ??
Hello and welcome to the Prusaforum!
Does the X-axis run easily and without obstacles from left to right? Have you oiled the linear bearings a little bit? Does the belt tension fit and is the belt pulley well tightened?
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: X axis problem
Yeah it moves smoothly but it doesnt stop on the ends its trying to move. The bearing are oiled and the belt tension should be fine
RE: X axis problem
Here is a video ( not mine printer but the guy has the same problem as me )
RE: X axis problem
So I now know what was the problem. I removed the lid from the box with the electronics and it seems to have fixed my problem.