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The printer is not calibrated
Hi 3 days ago I got my Prusa mini...when I turn it up i say The printer is not calibrated...Start first layer matter what I do I cant calibrate it...when I start a print the nozzle gets to 170 and then it will left corner pon the front it stop and say calibrating failed......I have tried another firmware does not work
I have looked at the MINDA did not help
What can I do...I am not a happy man
This topic was modified před 5 years 3 times by Kim S
Napsal : 28/08/2020 12:20 pm
RE: The printer is not calibrated
I know some people were getting this kind of error when they hadn't put the steel sheet on place. I'd suggest talking to support using chat (on the e-shop web page) they will help you diagnose the problem and send any spares that may be necessary.
Napsal : 28/08/2020 1:08 pm