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Succesful 1st print and initial setup but...  

New Member
Succesful 1st print and initial setup but...

Hi guys, I hope you can help out. I've build the kit for the Prusa MINI + and went trough all the steps and I got very nice prints in the beginning with the supplied prusament. I've started out with the calibration (went great) and printed some small 10mm cubes to test accuracy (went awesome). Then I tried a model of a miniature wich went great half way but failed by underextruding (I believe). I thought it was poor support placement but printing anything afterwards is a nightmare somehow. Every model is severelly underextruded and I can't get any decent prints any more. If I purge it goes fine, but went it starts printing and lays a couple of layers and it slowly stops extruding

Here's what I did:

- Performed several cold pulls (with nice unclogged tips)

- Used the needle for the tip

- Changed the PTFE tube and replaced exactly according to the manual, moving the hotend up and compressing the PTFE tube, the inside of the hotend was clean

- Loosened and tightend the idler on the extruder (and testing in between)

- Changed filament and did thorough purging (prusament)

- Check for debris in the extruder (no debris there)

- Loading and unloading goes without any issues

Things to note: my extruder does not click, indicating underextrusion. I'm using it indoors. I'm using the latest firmware. If you have any tips that would be helpfull, before I start disassembling the printer and see if I can find something there.

Thanks a lot


Respondido : 22/09/2021 7:22 pm
Honorable Member

Seems you checked usual suspects, so what's left... Make "factory reset" in Mini's menu and try again.. and observe nozzle temperature on display when printing. If you're slicing printed objects yourself, make sure you use default settings in slicer. No further ideas for now.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Respondido : 22/09/2021 7:30 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
Extruder motor

I did a factory reset and I tried to recalibrate. Then I noticed that my extruder motor was not rotating. I marked it up to see if it was very minor. After that I tried to load PLA wihtout actually putting any in and sure enough it spins up. I started a print withou filament and watched the print, the motor is working fine (gears are moving in a consistent way), but during the print I inserted a piece of filament but the gears stopped moving almost instant. I think there is something wrong hardware wise in the extruder assembly.

Respondido : 22/09/2021 8:08 pm
Honorable Member

Open the extruder and check if gear on motor shaft is not lose. Shaft has a flat surface, so gear must be rotated properly so screw is tightened on that flat surface.

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Respondido : 22/09/2021 8:35 pm