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Prusa Mini+ extruder issues  

Eminent Member
Prusa Mini+ extruder issues

I recently had a failed print, I was printing with a .4M nozzle at 0.07m layer height. I was a 2 days and 14 hours in.  Canceled and removed my spaghetti monster. Usually that's it, it just failed and you move on to the next printer or try again. In my caser though no matter how lose the tensioner arm is, it will tear at the filament. 

I removed the PLA I was using, inserted PETG and tried with ABS and they all would have deep teeth marks in them from the extruder gear. Is there any reason its grabbing so hard even with the tensioner screw out and completely lose? I've ordered the Bondtech extruder but regardless, while I wait Id like to get it running.

Napsal : 09/02/2021 10:17 pm
RE: Prusa Mini+ extruder issues

Is your idler too tight?

Chuck H
3D Printer Review Blog

Napsal : 10/02/2021 4:30 am
Eminent Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Prusa Mini+ extruder issues


Ended up being my idler bearing that went. Filament clogged in and wore away are the roller balls inside. 

Napsal : 13/02/2021 6:56 pm