Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
I finished assembling my MINI+ kit (and most of the gummy bears). I saw that there was a newer firmware, so I upgraded to 4.3.1. Then I tried to run the self-test and the Z-Axis failed! I've tried several times, same result. I've double checked the wiring and everything is properly connected as far as I can tell. The Z-Axis motor does move, but it stops when traveling up during the test and fails. It doesn't fail consistently in the same location. I've seen it go up about halfway before failing, though usually it fails close to the print bed.
Here's a video:
The Selftest MINI article doesn't contain any specifics about what might cause the Z Axis to fail, or what to do to fix it.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, thank you!
Best Answer by Eric:
Update: I checked the resistance of the wires for the heatbead and thermistor, both are fine. I also started to loosen the screws to remove the Z-Axis and in the process, moved it up by hand and noticed that it was much easier. The two screws that hold on the threaded piece to the Z-Axis carriage were just a little too tight, which must have flexed that nut and caused some resistance.
All selftest checks now pass!
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Axis test fails if the path is long/short that expected (not your case) or if the motor gets too much resistance on movement.
I would try loosening the z frame screws and check again.
anyway ask to prusa support, it could be the z frame tilted that constraints the leadscrew or (hopefully not) something wrong in the motor/driver.
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Ah, resistance on the axis could be the problem. I'll check the screws and also measure for tilt on the axis rods to see if they are slightly skewed and causing more resistance than expected. Thanks for the tip!
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
For my own information, is there developer documentation somewhere about how things like the self test functions are designed to work? I looked through some of the code on GitHub, but didn't really get a sense of the intent.
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
the best option You have (other than ask prusa guys) is to use 4.3.0 rc1 as that release write down a txt file in the usb stick at the end of the last test so You can better check the failure reason.
the file creation has been removed on newer firmware as it often happened mess with the usb stick that forced reformatting.
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Can you move the Z-axis up and down manually without errors?
Maybe the self test works with a FW downgrade to 4.2.0. I would just test it.
Maybe you should report this to Prusa! Just log in with your Prusa account and select the eshop. After a few seconds the chat window should appear on the lower right corner. If the chat window does not open, disable a possibly activated adblocker or try another browser.
good luck!
Statt zu klagen, dass wir nicht alles haben, was wir wollen, sollten wir lieber dankbar sein, dass wir nicht alles bekommen, was wir verdienen.
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Downgrading the firmware sounds like a good first step, especially if it writes some debug information to the USB drive. I'll give 4.2.0 try now then 4.3.0-RC1. Thanks for the suggestions!
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
One step forward, two steps back.
I downgraded to 4.2.1 which failed the selftest immediately with a MINTEMP error. I used the manual Z-axis control to move it up and may have discovered one problem. It stalled out about halfway (~68 steps) so I moved it backed down and noticed gunk on the threads. I cleaned the threads off with a towel & IPA which allowed it to move up and down more freely. However, I went back to 4.3.1 and the Z-axis still fails the selftest. Maybe I need to disassemble that axis and clean the threads and adapter very well, or just apply some grease?
But, the wizard on 4.3.1 also failed with an error about the heatbed thermistor wire being possibly damaged? (Error code 12207)
Here's what's weird: when I ran the selftest, it did not raise any errors during the heatbed test. Strange, right?
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Update: I checked the resistance of the wires for the heatbead and thermistor, both are fine. I also started to loosen the screws to remove the Z-Axis and in the process, moved it up by hand and noticed that it was much easier. The two screws that hold on the threaded piece to the Z-Axis carriage were just a little too tight, which must have flexed that nut and caused some resistance.
All selftest checks now pass!
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Good to hear that!
The self assembly is often painful but allows You to learn a lot of stuff. Well done.
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Thank you! I had the same problem and loosening the screws that hold the threaded piece to the extruder/x-axis motor carriage was exactly the solution. Thanks so much!
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
A big thank you from me too. It was the two M3x20 screws that secure the trapezoidal nut to the X-axis.
(See Chapter 3, Step 26 in the Prusa Mini Kit assembly manual, v.1.01)
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Echoing this comment. Solved my problem too.
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
Thanks for this thread. I over tightened the lead screw nut causing a z axis failure. Easy fix with this info.
Mini+ (kit) - Revo Micro | Antler Cooling | WiFi (4.4.0RC1)
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
I just had Z Axis fail on selftest, right after I finished assembly. Finally figured it out w help of Prusa chat after many attempted solutions (inc ones suggested here). I had set the PINDA sensor slightly lower than the nozzle during assembly. I raised the sensor slightly so it was bit higher than nozzle. It then passed Selftest! I think I had installed the PINDA sensor too low on original assembly. It is now about 5-6 threads below sensor holder.
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
I just hit this as well - I loosened the screws and bam it passed the test
RE: Mini+ kit: Z Axis fails self test
In my case, Mini-Z carriages were not aligned together and it was causing trapezoidal nut to be tilted and blocking at Z screw. Once both carriages were aligned I tighten trapezoidal nut and solved the issue.