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Bumps / Blobs on top layer  

New Member
Bumps / Blobs on top layer

I seem to have accidentally printed a map of the constellations...

This print looked fine until the final layer of the flat part, when these connected dots appeared. I'm pretty new to 3D printing but I've tried these forums and numerous troubleshooting guides and I can't seem to find anything that looks quite like this! It's PLA and I'm using the standard settings in Prusaslicer: nozzle temp 215, bed temp 60; retraction length is set at 3.2 mm and I haven't been having any issues with stringing or zits, apart from this.

I recently had to take apart the hotend to clean out a clog, but after adjusting the live-Z calibration I've had several successful prints before this one. Any help you can give me is much appreciated - at this point I don't even know what else to check.

Opublikowany : 02/03/2021 3:06 pm