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Groupe: Enregistré
A(ont) rejoint: 2020/04/02
Eminent Member
YES, this exactly...Currently using ESP32 and it...ok.,..but...

Dans le forum Prusa Connect & PrusaLink

il y a 4 months
I don't think the Prusa app has a slicer built in (yet). Al...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 7 months
Try moving it. I had a bit of trouble with my wipe tower at...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 7 months
try going wired and see if that fixes the printer...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 7 months
Are you wired or wifi? My MK4 does not do this, but I am wi...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 8 months
got it figured out...Apparently I was still using version 16...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
no issues with any games, nor did it have any issues compili...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
12 GB RAM, 11.4 GB Useable

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
========== Rebuild All: 27 succeeded, 8 failed, 4 skipped ==...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
will attempt again and let you know

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
yes, VS2019 and you mean from the instructions this: Compi...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
did that, yes... went to/p> followed the instruction ste...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
tried to build from source...not sure what I did wrong, but ...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
mine would load/unload at first as well. turned out to be t...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 4 years
try updating to newest firmware. mine did the load/unload t...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 4 years
Most forums I've seen are the same way. Membership level (s...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 4 years
double check your IR sensor. also, what firmware on printer...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 4 years
yep, was printing for the last 24 hours straight with no int...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 4 years
thanks for the suggestions. I actually printed this/p> and ...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 5 years
Every intervention is the same for me. I have to push filam...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 5 years
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