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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2019/10/16
Eminent Member
Because TC nozzles tend to come loose with the stock heater ...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
It definitely isn't quiet. Absolutely no comparison to a Pru...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
I was underwhelmed by the launch, so I canceled my order on ...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
Convenience. You can cold swap the nextruder nozzles, pretty...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
The adapter costs pretty much the same as a standard nextrud...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
That doesn't sound good at all. Input shaping is one of the ...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
It might be best to file a GitHub issue to get the developer...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
Just use MQTT and display what you need in your home automa...

In forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

2 years temu
Isn't that he guy who tried to print MK3 g-code on his MK4?

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
The ObXidian nozzles are finally available, I should get two...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
Thanks, I did indeed miss that Paul ordered a kit.

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
Thanks for letting me know, was a bit worried for a moment :...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
I've ordered on April 2nd and my order is listed as "new" as...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
Plated copper heater block

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
Thanks for your work on this, much appreciated. Do you kno...

In forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

2 years temu
Can't you use Octoprint's REST API?

In forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

5 years temu
Good luck with assembly! Don't forget to lubricate the beari...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

5 years temu
Did you order the kit? I think we've placed our orders prett...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

5 years temu

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

5 years temu
You're forgetting that you're planning to rely on home autom...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

5 years temu
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