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Vojtěch Bubník
Vojtěch Bubník
Gruppo: Amministratore
Registrato: 2016/05/28
Titolo: Utenti Admin
> Moment ago receiver this response from S3D "Thank you f...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
You need to pull the MK2 branch. Vojtech

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
Guys, I need to spend time with my kids, so shortly: Pleas...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
Z čeho to je vytsknutý? Můžete prosím poslat link? A nebo je...

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

8 years fa
Můžete prosím poslat G-kód, abychom to mohli ověřit na našic...

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

8 years fa
Would you please post the G-code, so we may try the print he...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
Did you try the latest Prusa3D build of Slic3r? We regularly...

Nel forum Software (Archive)

8 years fa
Jo a u PETu se mi osvědčilo tisknout první vrstvu trochu pom...

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

8 years fa
PET je pěkný materiál, má ale takovou blbou vlastnost, že se...

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

8 years fa
Nejsem si jistý, zda budete schopen náš firmware sprovoznit ...

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

8 years fa
> I just installed 3.0.6 and i now have a wierd high pitc...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
> Is it not therefore time to remove S3D from your list o...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
> Yeah long ago I stopped my pc from going to sleep so th...

Nel forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years fa
Does it happen regularly with some particular G-code? Could ...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
If you go to the printer menu Settings->Temperature->F...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
> I see that there is a "Layer Change Script" Tab in ther...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Sandaro, > The menu occasionally switches language on me...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
I am happy to hear that the apparent skipped Z steps are cau...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
> Is the LED light on the heat bed cable supposed to ligh...

Nel forum Others (Archive)

8 years fa
Jsme zvědaví na výsledek! Vojta Bubník

Nel forum Ostatní (Archiv)

8 years fa
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