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Grupo: Registrado
Registrado: 2019/11/30
Noble Member
PCTG could also be an option, fairly similar to PETG but jus...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 12 months
I can't speak for the XL but if you have troubles removing s...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 12 months
I would assume it is the same issue I can see with my Voron ...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 12 months
The critical thing with ABS and ASA is on one side warping b...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 12 months
I do not own an Mk4 but those dots on the sheet don't look n...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 1 year
I think white filament can also be more abrasive than other ...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
If you create shape from mesh, you can reference the edges a...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
Different people might have different opinions on that but I...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
PS: Die Bohrlöcher könnten auch so eine Bulge Line verursach...

En el foro Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

hace 1 year
Ich kann es von dem einen Bild alleine nicht ausschließen, a...

En el foro Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

hace 1 year
There is scientific research happening in this area but give...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
Thanks for the video. I think we have had enough analogies, ...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
Maybe I don't know what I am doing or Freecad isn't such a g...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
Correct me if I am mistaken but step files do not contain pa...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
What file format does maintain the parametric consistency an...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
I can recommend from personal experience Dimafix adhesive st...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
If I look at the transparent PETG print on the reference mac...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
In my experience, squishing the 1st layer to some extend mak...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 1 year
Have you contacted Prusa Live chat? It is mysterious to me a...

En el foro Hardware, firmware and software help

hace 1 year
The build plate certainly looks dirty. It needs a thorough c...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 1 year
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