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Groupe: PrusaLink-beta
A(ont) rejoint: 2023/03/31
Titre: Membre
Anyone else been able to trick this to work? I swapped plugs... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 11 months | |
Totally down for this idea to come to light. I use Octopod o... Dans le forum General discussion & User Experience & Ideas |
il y a 2 years | |
That is for sure a very valid and interesting point Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 2 years | |
During Prusa Live yesterday; they mentioned that in their te... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 2 years | |
You'll be able to switch to the Nozzle X but not yet. The V6... Dans le forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ... |
il y a 2 years |