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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2019/06/10
Active Member
Thanks Steve for sharing tips -- will give it a try! (-; In forum PrusaSlicer |
3 years temu | |
Random seam at *each* perimeter In forum PrusaSlicer |
4 years temu | |
WOW this is amazing @bobstro -- yes, this is exactly like te... | 4 years temu | |
Print slower at higher layer? | 4 years temu | |
Thank you @crawlerin, so satisfying when you find the answer... | 5 years temu | |
Added pictures of printed pieces. Still a bit scary to post ... | 5 years temu | |
Okay I'll print again and upload a picture later (forgot to ... | 5 years temu | |
Filament stopped extruding at certain layer In forum Print tips (Archive) |
5 years temu | |
Benchy shrinking at certain layer | 5 years temu | |
Thanks guys so much for replying and sorry for my late reply... | 5 years temu | |
Print towers without moving extruder to reduce string | 5 years temu |