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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2018/08/21
Eminent Member
To my knowledge APFC doesn't impact the performance of the p... | 6 years temu | |
In looking at the specs, the LRS looks slightly better overa... | 6 years temu | |
I am not sure which one he used, but the standard fan is 25m... | 6 years temu | |
Huh, not sure why you feel that way, I can't even tell when ... | 6 years temu | |
Nice idea on the extra rail to 5V for other devices versus d... | 6 years temu | |
PSU Upgrade to 350W for MK3/MK3S | 6 years temu | |
Thank you! I will try that after this monster 18 hour print ... | 6 years temu | |
Working, but.... rattling sound | 6 years temu |
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