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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2019/02/01
Trusted Member
@tim-m30 Yeah I'm not sure I saved that. I could recreate pr...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years temu
@tim-m30 I have attached a zip file that should have gcode f...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years temu
Just documenting a few thoughts and pictures in case they sp...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years temu
Yes, I can see that. Interesting. Cool looking filament, b...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years temu
@michael-n6 Hey Michael, I agree on the frustration portion ...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years temu
Well, curses! I was in on this discussion early (first few ...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

4 years temu
A) About 30 prints thus far after initial tweaking which pri...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

5 years temu
I just found that older posts of mine have been changed. In ...

In forum Software (Archive)

6 years temu
Interesting link listing possible causes of offset layers, s...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
I think we need to pinpoint whether the results vary by slic...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
New data point. Printed two of Bob's parts, one rotated 90....

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
Yeah - the skirt poses a problem. Somewhere, and sorry, bu...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
The response by bubnikv say enough for me: Physics His exp...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
Rick: Yes, If you would like to post the STL or PM it to me...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
[...] Based on what I've done so far I believe the problem t...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
PART 3 OF 3 Based on what I've done so far I believe the pr...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
PART 2 OF 3 The problem is directly correlated with the rec...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
I have more time to get back to this topic. I am glad to se...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
OK, I printed both sets of tests (I had started prior to you...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
For my test objects at least (I'm not the OP but pics in App...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

6 years temu
Strona 3 / 4