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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2022/09/13
Reputable Member
What's on the back of the display board I don't know. Should...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
This must be a clone. Probably a fysetc.

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
I found it also, The printer is a somewhat modified Cocoon C...

In forum PrusaSlicer

2 years temu
What printer are you going to print this on?

In forum PrusaSlicer

2 years temu
There is an error in your design. That is also indicated. Th...

In forum PrusaSlicer

2 years temu
I have no experience with onshape. But I think during design...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

2 years temu
I can't answer that for you. Please ask your question direct...

In forum PrusaSlicer

2 years temu
If you see an exclamation point in front of the name after l...

In forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

2 years temu
Prusa recommends using a dry kitchen sponge to reactivate th...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
1. import your object into prusa slicer. 2. press the slic...

In forum PrusaSlicer

2 years temu
Go to the printer settings tab, and there select spiral vase...

In forum PrusaSlicer

2 years temu
Idler spring. 15.5mm long 5mm OD 3.25mm ID 0.8mm wir...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
More info can be found here .

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
With the use of this info, check that the x axis is not twis...

In forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

2 years temu
Here are the specs regarding filament on a mini printer.

In forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

2 years temu
Downloaded the file and imported the stl file into prusaslic...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
I found the following information on the prusa site. The the...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
Go to the printer's Sound menu option. There you have a choi...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

2 years temu
An order number can be anything. Other MK3 printer, spare pa...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
With a good cover, you don't need additional resources to ke...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

2 years temu
Strona 11 / 22