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Registrado: 2019/05/17
Trusted Member
Just a side note: The grounding is not a safety feature desi...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
No 404 here, and no bad gateway either. A bit slow, but ok.

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 1 year
Das Prusa-Filtersystem ist allerdings ein Umwälzsystem; es s...

En el foro Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

hace 2 years
Ich hab einen Kommentar auf der Dokumentationsseite geschrie...

En el foro Hilfe zur Hardware, Firmware und Software

hace 2 years
Ah, in der deutschen Hilfe scheint die Information zu fehlen...

En el foro Hilfe zur Hardware, Firmware und Software

hace 2 years
Es gibt ja einen Hinweis. Es ist in der Doku beschrieben. Di...

En el foro Hilfe zur Hardware, Firmware und Software

hace 2 years
Ah, yes, that is wrong. The nozzle should be just below the ...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 2 years
The photo of the left trapezoidal nut is suspicious. The upp...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 2 years
More photos needed. Check the trapezoidal nuts (z axis assem...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 2 years
48% scheint mir zu hoch zu sein. So um die 35% würde ich sch...

En el foro Grossartige Drucke & Tipps zum Drucken

hace 2 years
Hm, have you used a path in the past that is not available a...

En el foro PrusaSlicer

hace 2 years
I had no problems either with my enclosure. What i really, r...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 2 years
😀 Shit happens. Had a similar issue lately. Thought it is ...

En el foro Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

hace 2 years
I cannot confirm this. My delivery date was in december when...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 2 years
Seems to be cutted. The header says it should be 415028 tria...

En el foro PrusaSlicer

hace 2 years
Had the same last weekend. I was confused but after some tim...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 2 years
Mir geht es genauso. Ich meine jetzt aber verstanden zu habe...

En el foro Allgemeine Diskussion, Ankündigungen und Veröffentlichungen

hace 2 years
You can change the height of a layer specifically using a "...

En el foro How do I print this? (Printing help)

hace 2 years
I like the list of bobstro, too. Another point that i would ...

En el foro General discussion, announcements and releases

hace 2 years
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