I'd be careful that you don't overload the PSU -- it's alrea... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
Got it now. Thanks for sharing -- really good idea. Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
That sounds like a really good idea! Have you shared the pa... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
See my last post -- yes the automated method seems completel... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
stahlfabrik, thanks for your heroic efforts with this issue!... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
I just upgraded to 3.2.1 and like some of the improvements, ... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
Holding currents: M911 X16 Y20 Z35 E26
Running currents:... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 7 years |
I don't know if this is an RC2 problem or not but last night... Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 7 years |
I cut two nylon bolts to about 1/2" long and screwed them in... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
PSFJ8-320 Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases |
il y a 7 years |
Not sure why this should help with his Z-Axis though. :twis... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
Hi, one more thing to check is that your y-axis belt is suff... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
Yep, back left is high, but pretty nice initial bed. I'd try... Dans le forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ... |
il y a 7 years |
What a great little plugin. Thank you!
I had the same prob... Dans le forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ... |
il y a 7 years |
Yes, addes M24 to my start Script and now the fail stats are... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
Adding ‘M24’ worked? It’s a bit of a kludge because that’s... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
Good catch. It’s probably best to create an “issue” on the ... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
I have exhausted all avenues changing the Microstepping tabl... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
I believe the "belt status" is an aggregate load measured on... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |
Don't try the EXPERIMENTAL_FEATURES at all- the AVR gets tot... Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
il y a 7 years |