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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2017/04/01
Active Member
@mark-b-2 Thanks Mark, that was the problem.

In forum PrusaSlicer

4 years temu
Prusaslicer 2.2.3 Final No supports in middle of objects

In forum PrusaSlicer

4 years temu
Oh, thank you! I have been driving myself crazy trying to s...

In forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

6 years temu
Received my replacement heat brakes from Prusa and it was as...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
I agree with you. in addition since adding the MMU2 it appe...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
In the end after getting things running the only setting tha...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
Yes, Stock Prusa heatbrake is working wonders. I have been ...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
thanks for the feedback. I was using 4 cooling moves and we...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
Extruder Clicking during longer prints

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
So what setting do you use to get cooling to happen at the t...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

6 years temu
Peter, I want to thank you for your post, it definitely help...

In forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

6 years temu
Trying the new 1.41 release with a sequential print. I have...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years temu
Same Problem, I stopped and held the fan with my finger and ...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years temu
using the Beta version. in release notes it says that the P...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

6 years temu
I use a piece of plain copper wire, twisting the ends togeth...

In forum General discussion, announcements and releases

7 years temu