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Joseph Stevens
Skupina: Registrovaný
Přidal se: 2021/05/22
Active Member
Yeah, that would work. It would be really cool if we could ... In forum PrusaSlicer |
před 2 years | |
I don't remember. I actually checked amazon to see if I orde... In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
před 2 years | |
Feature requests: snapshots for comparing changed slicing pa... In forum PrusaSlicer |
před 2 years | |
Self test fails at hot end check: "heater/thermistor not con... In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
před 4 years | |
@diem Yeah, I've sort of decided to get a Raspberry Pi 3 and... | před 4 years | |
Where do I find the 18 mm pin headers to connect the Raspber... | před 4 years |