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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2023/08/10
Trusted Member
Hello, Thanks for the response, I hope for good news on both... | 1 year temu | |
I understand that with your answer you confirm that for this... | 1 year temu | |
Hello, The blue screen problem is what happens to me with al... | 1 year temu | |
I have just detected another problem and that is that all th... | 1 year temu | |
Hi, I add a screenshot as it does not show the values wh... | 1 year temu | |
Multicolor in MK4 | 1 year temu | |
Hello, The initial problem has been resolved and now it conn... | 1 year temu | |
I have the same problem, the first layer always fails. I hav... | 1 year temu | |
Hello, When I tried to connect have this error: ErrorPl... | 1 year temu | |
Hello, I have tried printing the same piece at 0.20 and now ... | 1 year temu | |
Irregular printing | 1 year temu | |
Input shaper profiles In forum Input Shaper (MK4) |
1 year temu |
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