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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2024/01/12
Active Member
Hmm. Interesting. I know the reproducible bug with Prusa Con... | 9 months temu | |
@Printerman Could you compare the checksum of a local gcode ... | 9 months temu | |
I sometimes had the same issue via Prusa Connect. Prusa Deve... | 9 months temu | |
I found source of problems here (Input Shaper): Flow rate ... | 10 months temu | |
So, the next part :)I changed: hotend thermistor print... | 10 months temu | |
Exactly :)The sides printed perfectly, but problems started ... | 10 months temu | |
PS: You don't have to throw away your part cooling fan, usua... | 10 months temu | |
Thank you for your reply. So, failed 3mf:/p> Printing ... | 10 months temu | |
Thank you for your reply. I did full maintenance of extrud... | 10 months temu | |
Dramatic loss of print quality [probably cool issue] | 10 months temu |