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Ernie Tech
Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2023/05/23
Active Member
Same here ☹️ In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
1 year temu | |
Hey Ashley, I hope you see this. I completed the F360 course... | 1 year temu | |
While I think Prusa would be successful at anything they dec... In forum General software discussion |
1 year temu | |
Like rocketArt, my Z is -1.375 and the prints are very good.... | 2 years temu | |
Yup. Certain | 2 years temu | |
This is good. Generally the feeling is that the Fusion 360 c... | 2 years temu | |
My experience as well. Thanks for the fix. Will print this s... | 2 years temu |