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Gruppe: Registriert
Beigetreten: 2016/10/31
Honorable Member
Which bearings do not require modifications for X-axis?

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
- pinda proble protector - pinda probe guide - extruder body...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Wear and tear is one thing but don't forget about parts will...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
For the gears with the different colors.... this was just do...

Im Forum Improvements (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Is this possibly the best timelapse of the MK2 kit build?

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Just as a data point, I have another 3D printer that has 4.5...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
I've also notice that cubic in PE slic3r seems really fast....

Im Forum Print tips (Archive)

Vor 8 years
If just pausing... I have not had any issue. You can do thi...

Im Forum Print tips (Archive)

Vor 8 years
- You may want to modify your slic3R or print manager to aut...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
So true... but seriously, many times I go with zero infill a...

Im Forum Print tips (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Regarding fastest, during printing the object.

Im Forum Print tips (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Did you get the factory built or kit? - If kit, print the pi...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Lubrication question is left camp vs. right camp with regard...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Also make sure all the teeth are good on the extruder gear. ...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
This is how most get filament jams ( switching from a hi tem...

Im Forum Print tips (Archive)

Vor 8 years
You printed a big object, correct? The print head hit the o...

Im Forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

Vor 8 years
Before preheating the bed, raise the print head to z=100, if...

Im Forum Software (Archive)

Vor 8 years
That surface does not look flat.... slicers will have challe...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
My guess is it is a slicer / object design issue. - Hold th...

Im Forum Others (Archive)

Vor 8 years
My favorite is ( A hackable text editor ) - written by the ...

Im Forum Software (Archive)

Vor 8 years
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