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Dave Avery
Dave Avery
Groupe: Enregistré
A(ont) rejoint: 2019/02/14
Honorable Member
same nozzles for mini and mk3

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 5 years
if you can't move the extruder on the x axis with the power ...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
check the "crash" counters - if you are getting crashes your...

Dans le forum Assembly and first prints troubleshooting

il y a 5 years
that sounds like your bed is offset 5 mm to the left - you s...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
are you using the prusa PETG profiles ? and not just changin...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 5 years
try cleaning with dish detergent ( dawn/fairy) and clean pap...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
contact prusa chat on the shop page ( need to be signed in) ...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
when the printer is at x+250 how close the the right travel ...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
check the printer crash detection counters - I bet you are h...

Dans le forum User mods - OctoPrint, enclosures, nozzles, ...

il y a 5 years
if there is a thin spot near the end of the filament the fin...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
it sounds like one of the x/y axis is binding so the printer...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
if it's homing near the middle it's detecting high friction...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
if the vertical rods can move up and down then the end suppo...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
did you happen to load the mk3s firmware by mistake

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
are you sure the Z smooth rods are fully seated on both side...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
the values will be the same since both are 1.75 nominal dime...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 5 years
i suspect crash recognition _did_ work but the re-home after...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
double check the x and y motor pulleys are tight and that th...

Dans le forum How do I print this? (Printing help)

il y a 5 years
other than straight up cross threading i don't think you wil...

Dans le forum General discussion, announcements and releases

il y a 5 years
run the Z calibration and make sure the x axis runs all the ...

Dans le forum Hardware, firmware and software help

il y a 5 years
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