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Grupo: PrusaLink-beta
Registrado: 2021/10/23
Título: Miembro
Any plans on having the code public on GitHub in the near fu...

En el foro General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

hace 2 years
The PrusaLink image is running on top of Raspberry Pi OS, so...

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hace 2 years
I was under the impression that they haven't yet officially ...

En el foro General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

hace 2 years
PrusaLink 64-bit

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hace 2 years
I assume it's mostly to eliminate variables during the beta,...

En el foro Introduction & Instructions

hace 2 years
What firmware do you currently have installed on your printe...

En el foro Introduction & Instructions

hace 2 years
You may need to reimage the microSD card with the Raspberry ...

En el foro General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

hace 2 years
What program are you using to write the PrusaLink image onto...

En el foro General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

hace 2 years
Are you able to connect using pi/raspberry for username/pass...

En el foro General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

hace 2 years
How are you planning to have the Pi connected to the HS netw...

En el foro General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

hace 2 years
If the MAC Address of the RasPi is known, assigning it a sta...

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 2 years

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 2 years
Yes, you will need to use the Raspberry Pi Imager software a...

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 3 years
It is advised to set up the image using the Raspberry Pi Ima...

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 3 years
While it shouldn’t be an issue, are all of the packages in t...

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 3 years
I would recommend trying a non-chromium-based browser such a...

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 3 years
If you can SSH into the Raspberry Pi, you will want to delet...

En el foro Introduction & Instructions

hace 3 years
Have you tried changing the name and location using the Prus...

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 3 years
I assume that such a functionality is forthcoming, as there ...

En el foro General discussion & User Experience & Ideas

hace 3 years
Have you tried using a different web browser to do the Prusa...

En el foro Bugs & Errors

hace 3 years
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