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Skupina: Registrovaný
Přidal se: 2024/05/10
Active Member
Here is a link to the video:/p> In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
před 9 months | |
Bad Stepper Motor? In forum Hardware, firmware and software help |
před 9 months | |
Update: After working with Prusa it was determined that I ha... | před 9 months | |
I think so, they are identical, they only have different bea... | před 9 months | |
Thanks Joan, I tried your and the motor does track at a 45 d... | před 9 months | |
Update: 5-12-24 Spent the weekend attempting different thing... | před 9 months | |
Re-sliced and ran again. Failed after 3 hours with the same ... | před 9 months | |
XL 5 tool randomly stops printing the file and only extrudes... | před 9 months |