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Grupa: Moderator
Dołączył: 2016/02/14
Tytuł: Member Moderator
Peter published his settings in one of his post. The issue i...

In forum Software (Archive)

8 years temu
Honestly I do not see any reason to use any glue or ABS juic...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Thanks a lot for your contribution to the community 🙂 Howe...

In forum Improvements (Archive)

8 years temu
I tried to build it from Github, but even if the files are p...

In forum Software (Archive)

8 years temu
Mmmmmh, Josef, what is that ? Your teasing is so cruel, I w...

In forum Software (Archive)

8 years temu
Hi guys, Actually the real test would be to measure the eff...

In forum Improvements (Archive)

8 years temu
Hi all, that's interesting 🙂 Actually, I'm considering to...

In forum Prusa i3 kit (Archive)

8 years temu
Watching it printing live is just awesome 🙂

In forum Improvements (Archive)

8 years temu
Yeah, shameless advertisment: Print my Spool holder ! 🙂 ...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
I can see a challenge for such a feature, When changing spo...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Yes it's this setting. This value will trigger the conditi...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
There is also a possibility that the top layers, being very ...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Hi John, it's probably better to use a kind of spring clamp...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

8 years temu
Hi, Just wondering, for the people having timeout during pr...

In forum Software (Archive)

8 years temu
Mmmmmh, this is just brilliant ! I had a look on the fan sp...

In forum Improvements (Archive)

8 years temu
Hi, my personnal opinion: If you feel you can build it, the...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Hi, I think that you had some warping on this print and tha...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

8 years temu
Using gloves is a good idea too, if you are as clumsy as me ...

In forum Others (Archive)

8 years temu
Hi Stephen, It's very easy to apply torque on the M12 threa...

In forum Hardware, firmware and software help

8 years temu
Hi Chad, You should take care the the zip should hold the s...

In forum Improvements (Archive)

8 years temu
Strona 11 / 29