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Grupa: Zarejestrowany
Dołączył: 2021/09/04
Active Member
Update for my case. I contacted support, and after some trou... | 1 year temu | |
I wonder if it might help if the firmware could perhaps be p... | 1 year temu | |
@lfachaux - The ribbon cable's around 20" long. | 1 year temu | |
@lfachaux - the ribbon is 30mm wide. It divides after a cent... | 1 year temu | |
oh no | 1 year temu | |
First boot - LCD fails shortly after boot | 1 year temu | |
The critical bit of gcode is making sure that the file ends ... In forum PrusaSlicer |
3 years temu | |
The good news is that I did get my Prusa plotting! . The ba... In forum PrusaSlicer |
3 years temu | |
Answering my own question, I found the relevant bit in the s... In forum PrusaSlicer |
3 years temu | |
Simple gcode files produce error: "The selected file: does n... In forum PrusaSlicer |
3 years temu |