Log-in with Prusa Account

Welcome to the new PrusaPrinters.org Forum! The forum is now a part of our new community website PrusaPrinters.org, and we have transferred all topics and messages from the old forum to the new one. If you have an account on the old forum, you have two options how to switch your account to Prusa Account:

  1. Go to shop.prusa3d.com and log in with your account as usual. Confim the creation of Prusa Account and return back to the Forum. Everything will be transferred automatically.
  2. If you don’t remember the password to your old account, meaning you can’t log into the e-shop, you can click on “Registration” link and create a new Prusa Account. Use the same e-mail address, so the system can pair these accounts automatically, and you can continue using the Forum as usual.

What is Prusa Account?

The number of our websites and services keeps growing, and Prusa Account is the most comfortable and most secure way how to manage all your data and login details from one place. You don’t have to maintain separate accounts and we can bring you various benefits (discounts, premium features, etc.).

Simply put: Prusa Account is the only account you’ll need for all websites by Prusa Research!

Try new PrusaPrinters.org!

We have launched new PrusaPrinters.org – the community website for every Original Prusa printer owner! Find other users in your neighborhood, get it touch with them a create your local 3D printing communities. On PrusaPrinters.org you can also download and share perfectly tweaked and pre-sliced print files for your 3D printer and start printing immediately. Or get the 3D model, slice it with your own settings and share it with others. Join PrusaPrinters.org with your Prusa Account right now!