Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning
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Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning  

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Estimable Member
Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

As discussed in another thread, I'm trying a simple mod to clean the nozzle right  before the Prusa "nozzle cleaning" step to make that more reliable.  Certain filaments tend to hang on or ooze from the nozzle just before the nozzle cleaning, causing a failure where the nozzle needs to be manually scrubbed to continue.

So far, I'm using a little silicone brush intended for a BL mini.  They're about $2 each from amazon in the US.  Ex:

The CORE One has an extra ~20 mm of Y axis at the front (this is separate from the additional 10 mm Prusa provided to the official build area over the MK4S).  By placing the brush in the left front corner, you can get it so that it doesn't affect the build area or interfere with the stock nozzle prep.  On the CORE One, the part cooling shroud actually sticks out in front of the nozzle, so the brush also has to clear that if you were printing at "Y=0" near it, so there is only a small margin left if you consider that.

I'm using a BIQU Glacier print sheet made for the standard "256x256" BL printers which has the extra Y length over the Prusa sheets. These fit just fine in the printer, although they aren't "keyed" at the back for a Prusa so you have to be careful to center them in the printer.  These sheets might have the added benefit of working better for PLA since they don't need as much bed heat as standard sheets for good grip, so the chamber stays cooler.

I've inserted some gcode just before the stock nozzle cleaning routine in the Start Gcode.

; --- Nozzle silicone brush wipe section
; wipe
G0 X2  Y-18.5 Z5 F10000;
G0 X28 Y-18.5 Z5 F10000;
G0 X2  Y-18.5 Z5 F10000;
G0 X28 Y-18.5 Z5 F10000;
G0 X2  Y-2.5 Z5 F10000;
G28; home all without mesh bed level
; --- End Nozzle silicone brush wipe section  (stock gcode follows)

M84 E ; turn off E motor

G29 P9 X208 Y-2.5 W32 H4


I just used the manual X, Y, and Z moves to pinpoint the values I could use here and to make sure there was clearance for normal printing in the standard build area.

Here's a video clip and photo of the sheet:


Este debate ha sido modificado el hace 1 month 2 veces por darksharpie
Respondido : 15/02/2025 12:38 pm
koen me gusta
Reputable Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

in my opinion, this is nonsense with the core one and other prusa printers. But everyone can do what they want.

Respondido : 15/02/2025 12:43 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

For me, it's in direct response to nozzle cleaning failures from filament left on the nozzle, which pause the print prep.  Could one hit the nozzle manually with a brush before every nozzle cleaning and bed level?  Of course.  But not sure why it's "nonsense" to automate it 😀 

Respondido : 15/02/2025 12:51 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

Should probably add that I had this problem with polycarbonate filament which may be better at hanging on to the nozzle, but I haven't seen it with PLA.  But it seems it can't hurt to give the nozzle a quick scrub.  I don't see any downsides.  I did the mod to have similar brushes on the XL so there is a brief brush when docking or undocking any tool.  It helps greatly with filament hanging out (and conveniently drops to the bottom of the printer since there's a gap there on that machine).

Respondido : 15/02/2025 1:52 pm
Illustrious Member

Dry the filament properly and the oozing goes away.


Respondido : 15/02/2025 3:32 pm
Habony Norbert
Active Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

This error was unfortunately also present on the MK4S printer, but only when printing PCCF, the material was so "hard" and leaking that it could not clean the nozzle.The support suggested that I lower the starting temperature by -5 degrees C. If I use this, I have much less trouble with cleaning.

M104 T0 S{((filament_notes[0]=~/.*HT_MBL10.*/) ? (first_layer_temperature[0] - 10) : (filament_type[0] == "PC" or filament_type[0] == "PA") ? (first_layer_temperature[0] - 25) : (filament_type[0] == "FLEX") ? 210 : (filament_type[0]=~/.*PET.*/) ? 175 : 170)} ; set extruder temp for bed leveling

M109 T0 R{((filament_notes[0]=~/.*HT_MBL10.*/) ? (first_layer_temperature[0] - 10) : (filament_type[0] == "PC" or filament_type[0] == "PA") ? (first_layer_temperature[0] - 25) : (filament_type[0] == "FLEX") ? 210 : (filament_type[0]=~/.*PET.*/) ? 175 : 170)} ; wait for temp

The value marked in red must be changed to -30

Respondido : 15/02/2025 5:05 pm
Prominent Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

I have the nozzle wiper on my Bambu A1, and honestly I don't find it does very much. I don't miss it at all on my Prusa. 

Click here for VIDEO BUILD GUIDES + 3D Printing Tips!

--> MK4 - MK4S - MINI+ - MMU3 - Accelerometer Guide - BambuLab A1 Combo <--

Respondido : 15/02/2025 8:31 pm
Brian me gusta
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

Agreed - it's by no means absolutely vital. But it cost me $2 with no downsides, but may save a failed print start every once in a while.

Posted by: @iftibashir

I have the nozzle wiper on my Bambu A1, and honestly I don't find it does very much. I don't miss it at all on my Prusa. 


Respondido : 15/02/2025 8:47 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

Could the brush also be mounted on some 3D-printed adapter or bridge which attaches to the diagonal struts that support the bed? Then it could be used with any standard-sized print sheet.

Respondido : 17/02/2025 2:41 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

I don't see why not... The extra Y axis is there either way.  I wonder if one could probably even be attached to something fixed like the crossbar in case it would be useful to use it mid print somehow? Like just before a print during a filament change- where there is often that piece of filament extruded as it approaches the print to resume- assuming that's still a thing with the CORE.

In my case, I happen to like this print sheet enough so far that I just use it as the default anyway and so far PLA, ASA, PCCF, and PETG have stuck (and unstuck) just great.

Posted by: @jurgen-7

Could the brush also be mounted on some 3D-printed adapter or bridge which attaches to the diagonal struts that support the bed? Then it could be used with any standard-sized print sheet.


Respondido : 17/02/2025 2:52 pm
Active Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

i am working on a solution. Right now i just placed a bambu wiper on the front left corner of the build plate 🙂 Works perfectly too.

Before it i had lot of failed cleaning procedures. Dried PETG-GF and other technical filament. 

Respondido : 17/02/2025 3:18 pm
Reputable Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning
Posted by: @darksharpie

I wonder if one could probably even be attached to something fixed like the crossbar in case it would be useful to use it mid print somehow?

Good point, mounting the wiper to the cross-bar (with the lights) might be an even cleaner solution. Nothing to bump into when replacing sheets or removing prints, always there independent of the sheet that is used. The advantage of mounting it to the bed (or its carrying mechanism) instead is that the Z height would always be correct if one were to use nozzles of different length, since the printer auto-adjusts the bed / nozzle tip distance.

Respondido : 17/02/2025 3:50 pm
Active Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning


Working on a solution here. The wiper on the print sheet works perfectly. But I want something where I don't have to put the brush on ever sheet

Respondido : 19/02/2025 9:10 am
Jürgen me gusta
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

Is there enough clearance there for the cooling fan shroud if you printed all the way across at Y=1?  Since it sortof surrounds the nozzle.    In my case that seemed like it would be an issue which is why mine (on the longer sheet) is a good 20 mm back from where you have it on the stock size sheet.  Or maybe I misjudged something.

Posted by: @pcr


Working on a solution here. The wiper on the print sheet works perfectly. But I want something where I don't have to put the brush on ever sheet


Respondido : 19/02/2025 12:06 pm
Active Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

You are correct it was in this area -10 mm f0r 37mm long. Slicer could handle this. With the new idear (brush front right on the 3d print) it would not have any problems. 

Respondido : 19/02/2025 1:43 pm
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

I just found this thread. Just a little idea for you: 

I`ve had the problem that the fillament allready oozes out while it is warming up an doesnt detach with the nozzle cleaning procedure, so I am looking to make a similar mod with my core one (once my MK4S is converted).

I found this mod here for a bambu printer that combines the cleaning principle of thery core xy with the ones of their bedslingers:

Maybe you could just remix this part?

Also thank you for working on a solution. This will help especially when automating print with the core one.

Respondido : 19/02/2025 5:21 pm
Eminent Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

This is one I just saw post for the MK4s.   good design, not sure it will work on the core as I don't have mine yet 🙂

Respondido : 19/02/2025 8:07 pm
Estimable Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

Not quite sure it would work, but that design does lose a bit of print volume.  Ideally we'd use the extra space inside the CORE so there are no losses from the stock print area.  (Actually I'd like to be able to use a wiper plus print in the additional unused space that's there- but that might not be possible without a retractable brush and maybe firmware changes to allow mesh bed leveling under Y=0 😀  )

Posted by: @mander

This is one I just saw post for the MK4s.   good design, not sure it will work on the core as I don't have mine yet 🙂


Respondido : 19/02/2025 8:16 pm
Active Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

Respondido : 20/02/2025 6:02 am
Active Member
RE: Silicone brush on print sheet for improved nozzle cleaning

Would be for me a project for the future. Right now i use the KISS approach from the link above 😉

with the GPIO Board it would be for sure possible to use some retractable brush!

Respondido : 20/02/2025 6:03 am
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