Strange PID values after installing a Bondtech heatbreak
I just installed a Bondtech heatbreak on my MINI and I'm getting values very different to the ones Bondtech recommends and to other PID values I've seen before.
I'm using Pronterface and this gcode: M303 E0 S250 C10
and the values I'm getting are:
P16.25 I1.35 D48.76
the ones from Bontech are:
P13.54 I0.98 D46.58
When printing the temperature fluctuates sporadically between 251C and 250C.
I just printed a test cube and it looks fine, but I'm wandering why are my PID values so different to the ones from Bondtech.
RE: Strange PID values after installing a Bondtech heatbreak
Your PID is different than Bondtech's because we don't know at what settings Bondtech's PID was created. Bondtech PID is meant as "general purpose" PID (not PETG specific) -means, not necessary 250°C was used. And second, resulting PID value also depends on ambient conditions (i.e. room & bed temperature).
Deviation of +/-1°C is to be expected due to thermistor tolerances and ambient conditions.
[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]