Prusa Mini REVO - extruder direct drive upgrade to Bondtech LGX Lite/TBG-lite Extruder
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Prusa Mini REVO - extruder direct drive upgrade to Bondtech LGX Lite/TBG-lite Extruder  

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Prusa Mini REVO - extruder direct drive upgrade to Bondtech LGX Lite/TBG-lite Extruder


After I upgraded my Prusa Mini to REVO hotend and because I print mostly PLA I am experiencing problems with under/over-extrusion as mentioned here.

In order to fix them in PrusaSlicer I had to lower the "Retraction length" to 1.8 and set the "Min Print Speed" to 20 mm/s. This makes impossible to slowly print overhangs with “Dynamic overhang speed” set to 5,7,7,10 without under/over-extrusion.

So now I am considering the option to upgrade my Prusa Mini Revo to direct drive extrusion system either Bondtech LGX Lite or Trianglelab TBG-lite Extruder.

The TBG has two options for motors: Moon (more cool and silent one according to user posts) and LDO.

So the options are:

  1. Bondtech LGX Lite with LDO-36STH20-1004AHG motor
  2. TBG-lite Extruder with LDO-36STH20-1004AHG motor
  3. TBG-lite Extruder with MOON CSE14HRA1L410A-01 motor

Q1: If the money are no problem which option is the recommended one? 



Original Prusa Mini Stepper motor E-axis Extruder current is set to 400mA (M906 T0 E400). The pancake motors options for Trianglelab TBG-lite Extruder are:

  • MOON's 1.8° Motor Nema14 36mm Pancake Dual Drive Extruder Stepping Motor CSE14HRA1L410A-01
    (current must be set to 280mA (M906 T0 E280) according to this instruction)
  • LDO NEMA14 36mm pancake motor LDO-36STH20-1004AHG
    (current must be set to 700mA (M906 T0 E700) rated to 1A according to the spec of the motor) and according to this post.
    Steps set to 880steps/mm.
    Retractation set to 1mm @40mm/s.
    Reintroduction to 1.1mm.

Q2: Except current, steps set and retraction what else should be changed and is it possible after the upgrade to continue using original Prusa Mini firmware?

This topic was modified 2 years ago 2 times by PrusaTester2020
Posted : 27/08/2023 1:00 pm
RE: Prusa Mini REVO - extruder direct drive upgrade to Bondtech LGX Lite/TBG-lite Extruder

So, did you went for any option for direct drive? How did it turn?

Posted : 15/06/2024 5:24 pm