Official Mini+ Enclosure - Doesn't "Make your 3D printer even more silent"
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Official Mini+ Enclosure - Doesn't "Make your 3D printer even more silent"  

Official Mini+ Enclosure - Doesn't "Make your 3D printer even more silent"

A head's up to anyone buying the enclosure and the main reason is noise reduction.... think carefully.

In the standard configuration, attaching the provided feet to raise the enclosure off the ground, just creates a metallic plate that has the freedom to resonate and amplify every slight movement of the print head. If you like The Body Rockers or Billie Eilish then that deep bass metallic throbbing vibration maybe your thing.....

If not, my first fix was to remove all the supplied feet, so the enclosure base is flat on the desk, used the hole for the extractor to route my power and network through and put the anti vibration feet back on the mini, then just plonked it in there... 

Will try and create some extended dampeners that hold the thing in place when travelling. 







Veröffentlicht : 04/08/2024 4:36 pm