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I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks  

Active Member
I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

Wanted to share something with the community and hear your thoughts and ideas. 

After a long search for a decent and affordable enclosure, I've decided to design my own. The market has some good plastic enclosures and Ikea DIY's but some are are way more expensive(the shipping fee to my country is making all the aftermarket enclosures super expensive, sometimes the total price is worth as much as Prusa Mini) and it's not as fun as trying to build my own. 🙂

So it's modular and made from PLA+ material.  Gaps between the plates are by design.

I have to add the doors with custom-made handles (and magnets?) to complete the look. The doors are made from polycarbonate transparent material. 

Materials and time? well... 🙂 

I've used 3 KG of PLA. Print time for each tile is 3.5 hours, I have 36 tiles, took me 3 weeks to complete it because I'm not a machine :). The connectors are an additional 10 hours print. The windows are transparent polycarbonate and I've ordered them from aliexpress.(25 USD for 40 round clear windows)

Thanks for reading!!!

Posted : 25/11/2021 9:04 am
fub, Mog, Tuna209 and 3 people liked
Illustrious Member
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

Thanks for sharing! Certainly a "different" look. And I mean this positively.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 25/11/2021 3:19 pm
Estimable Member
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

I think your project looks great. 

One of the best things about this hobby is being able to be creative by designing and printing what pleases you!

Posted : 25/11/2021 5:18 pm
New Member
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

This is awesome, thanks for sharing!

Posted : 10/12/2021 4:14 pm
Active Member
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

Nice design, shape and color choice.
Will you also add a door to your design?

Posted : 28/12/2021 9:29 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks


I do plan to put a door, just not a printed one 🙂 . Already purchased some plastic hinges and an acrylic sheet to act as a door

Thanks a lot for the feedback!

Posted : 29/12/2021 9:06 am
Active Member
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

Are you putting the files up somewhere?

Posted : 31/12/2021 10:01 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

Hey, planning to upload it soon. Probably on Prusa prints website. 

I will post here as soon as I upload the files.

Thanks for your interest!

Posted : 01/01/2022 3:13 pm
Trusted Member
RE: I've made my own enclosure and took me 3 weeks

Very nice, sometimes constraints help with the design.

Weened on MK3's at work, FrakenMini and MKs at home.

Posted : 05/01/2022 3:49 am