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Default nozzle manufacturer?  

New Member
Default nozzle manufacturer?

I'd like to know who is the manufacturer behind the default 0.4mm nozzle that comes with Prusa Mini. Is it Prusa-made or is it also from E3D?

Because if it is from E3D, why does it not have the standard dot identification of 3 dots but instead has none? My confusion comes from the fact that you can buy the 0.4mm nozzle that comes with Prusa Mini here and so I assume it should be a different one than the 0.4mm E3D nozzle that you can buy here which is supported by a statement in this article about different nozzle types saying: "Note that the E3D V6 0.25 mm nozzle has no dots, and looks almost the same as the E3D compatible 0.4 mm nozzle which ships with the Original Prusa MINI." but is slightly contradicted at the beginning of the article with a statement that says: "Our printers come equipped with a standard E3D 0.4 mm brass nozzle."

Thank you for any answers.

This topic was modified před 3 years 2 times by Ondráš
Napsal : 15/04/2022 1:49 pm
Honorable Member
RE: Default nozzle manufacturer?

It seems, nozzle shipped with Mini is either not made by E3D, or Prusa is able to buy from E3D nozzles without indicator (which I doubt. But then..

"Our printers come equipped with a standard E3D 0.4 mm brass nozzle."

-can also mean that the type of nozzle is E3D (it's not said it's made by E3D).

[Mini+] [MK3S+BEAR]

Napsal : 16/04/2022 12:10 pm
Ondráš se líbí
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Default nozzle manufacturer?

I also don't think that Prusa would buy or be able to buy the 0.4mm nozzle from E3D without the dot identification because why would any of the parties do that and only cause confusion with the lack of the dot identification plus this store page doesn't mention E3D as the manufacturer but only that the nozzle is compatible with their V6 hotend.

I also don't think that Prusa has the capability to manufacture their own nozzles and that's why I was wondering where they come from but I may be wrong.

This post was modified před 3 years 3 times by Ondráš
Napsal : 16/04/2022 2:18 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Default nozzle manufacturer?

Btw, the default 0.4mm nozzle is also half the price than the one from E3D so it would be odd if if it was manufactured by them.

The only possibility that comes to my mind is that Prusa has some machine from E3D that can make those 0.4mm nozzles and that's why they would call them like that but wouldn't mention E3D as the manufacturer.

Napsal : 16/04/2022 2:59 pm