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[Solved] xBuddy debug header pinout  

New Member
xBuddy debug header pinout

I want to debug firmware running on the MK4 xBuddy board, and therefore need to connect an st-link V2 clone to the board. On the board there is a footprint with the label "debug" next to it, unfortunately unpopulated. However, there seems to be no pinout diagram or discription in the firmware repo, and there doesn´t seem to be a standard pinout for a STM32 debug header. I don´t want to blow up my board or my programmer so can someone please share the pinout here? I am mostly interested in the SWD pins: SWCLK, SWDIO and GND. RST would also be nice to have.

Also, what is the voltage tolerance of the pins, as it seems the st-link V2 clones do 3.3V on the data pins?

Best Answer by me:

attached are the schematics for the mk4. hope it helps!

Posted : 24/03/2024 12:46 pm
Eminent Member
RE: xBuddy debug header pinout

attached are the schematics for the mk4. hope it helps!

Posted : 25/03/2024 8:04 pm
New Member
Topic starter answered:

Yep, there it is: page 9, J21. Thanks very much, I didn't even think to check the prusa open source page... d'oh!

Edit: for anyone else reading this: do be careful, as pin 1 is on the bottom right on the PCB, opposite of the schematic

This post was modified 1 year ago by cornyTrace
Posted : 25/03/2024 10:52 pm
Debugging and Flashing Prusa MK4/Mini Firmware with VS Code and ST-Link v2

I've searched quite a bit, but I haven't been able to find information on how to debug the firmware published on GitHub using Visual Studio Code with an ST-Link v2 programmer on the MK4 or Mini board. Any tutorial, guide, hint, screenshot, or even a video that could help me would be greatly appreciated. Could anyone provide some guidance in this regard? Many thanks to everyone in advance.

Posted : 15/10/2024 2:19 am