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LCD Screws  

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LCD Screws

What size screws are on the LCD screen for the MK4

Posted : 30/05/2023 11:27 pm
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: LCD Screws

If you are looking for the necessary screws for mounting the display on the enclosure, in this model for a mount there are some screw sizes mentioned:
I myself went with the "official" brackets from Prusa and used the screws that were used to mount the display to the printer. Unfortunately I did not make any notes about the sizes and I do not want to remove the display from the enclosure now. The less you remove the plug of the display cable from the display the better. I think the screws were M3x10, but I am not absolutely sure.

Posted : 30/05/2023 11:48 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: LCD Screws

No I mean the screws that hold the LCD assembly together. 2.5 hex key does not fit

Posted : 31/05/2023 12:24 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: LCD Screws

Ah, you mean the type of bit? A Torx T9 will fit.

Posted : 31/05/2023 7:04 am
Walter Layher
Noble Member
RE: LCD Screws

But it really is a Torx T10 pan head M3x10mm 🙂

Posted : 31/05/2023 7:26 am
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: LCD Screws

Thanks, I think I need new glasses 😀 

Posted : 31/05/2023 11:15 am
Reputable Member
RE: LCD Screws

One of the two 90 degree torx wrenches in the kit has a different size on each end.  It caught me and I couldn't find the correct wrench,  until I carefully read the notes on the wrenches.   

Posted : 24/06/2023 2:36 pm