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EP32 cam setup using a Mac  

Active Member
EP32 cam setup using a Mac

Has anyone been able to set up the EP32 cam through Prusa Connect using a Mac? I tried and was unsuccessful. 

This topic was modified 2 months ago by GMTJIM
Posted : 05/01/2025 3:50 am
Illustrious Member
RE: EP32 cam setup using a Mac

Yes, following the instructions here:

But truth be told: after adding ESP32s to all my XL and Mk4S printers, a few months later I removed them all and went back to the Wyze cams I had used before.

The only advantage of the ESP32 was that it's integrated into PrusaConnect. But I found the picture quality inferior to the Wyze and most importantly, at this point it's only snapshots, not continuous video. Furthermore, they hardly ever stayed online for more than a day or two and required constant reboots. With the Wyze I have full-fledged monitoring cameras with advanced video recording, and yes, I have to open a separate app but the Wyze app for the Mac is quite nice, and for me it's perfectly fine to run it next to PrusaConnect on my job monitoring machine.

Formerly known on this forum as @fuchsr -- until all hell broke loose with the forum software...

Posted : 05/01/2025 9:56 pm