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Quick release for Silver PSU  

Active Member
Quick release for Silver PSU


i made a Mod and a Cover to use the Silver PSU with quick release. Check this out

For those who want to use a quick release with the silver power supply on the original Prusa Enclosure i share my info and sources.

Additionally I have designed a cover for the silver power supply. However, this can only be screwed after the PSU is attached to the housing, but that should not matter that much if your using the mod 🙂

Napsal : 10/11/2022 6:47 pm
High Angle Video
New Member
RE: Quick release for Silver PSU

I am thinking of buying the enclosure.  I do have the silver PSU so just wanted to see how easy it would be to implement your quick release.

Napsal : 28/11/2022 5:56 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Quick release for Silver PSU

I do not know your craftsmanship 😀 but if you have the necessary crimping pliers for the connectors it is not a big effort. If that is not the case but you can solder then that is also relatively easy to manage

Napsal : 28/11/2022 6:32 pm
High Angle Video
New Member
RE: Quick release for Silver PSU

I am fairly proficient since my background is in engineering.  I haven't worked much with my MK3S.  I also have a Palette Pro 3 sitting in a box that I haven't used.  I am hoping to get the enclosure mainly for sound reasons and dust.

Napsal : 28/11/2022 7:14 pm