Z hop/lift z disables after a certain height on different printer when using PrusaSlicer
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Z hop/lift z disables after a certain height on different printer when using PrusaSlicer  

Active Member
Z hop/lift z disables after a certain height on different printer when using PrusaSlicer

Using Prusa slicer for my mk3s and Cr-10 v2, I noticed at a certain height the z-hop suddenly stops/disables which then causes my prints to either pop off the bed or layer shift. I decided to run a test by printing a long pole. Everything was fine until it passes around 25cm where it stops to hop. Is this a bug problem with the slicer or the settings? I created a new profile with the bed being 30x30x40 and it is able to print at these lengths but for some reason, it just stops to z-hop. Would appreciate any help.

Opublikowany : 10/04/2021 5:10 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Z hop/lift z disables after a certain height on different printer when using PrusaSlicer

If you had posted your settings by saving a project (File>Save Project As) then we could check out all your printers configuration.  As you haven't we are forced to make blind guesses.

As such the first thing to check is under Printer Settings>Extruder>Retraction>Only Lift Z:  then the below Z setting value.  This is an advanced setting so you must be in advanced or expert mode to see it.  I presume you already are or you wouldn't be able to define a printer size anyway once out of the wizard.

I have seen in the past where users have copied a MK3 profile as a starter basis and don't realise they have to set that value to something just below their maximum print height.  So if your max height is 400mm then set it to 398 or 399.  

I have an old much modified Cr10s and I have no problems with it z hopping up to the full height when using PS2.3


Opublikowany : 10/04/2021 7:49 pm
Active Member
Topic starter answered:
RE: Z hop/lift z disables after a certain height on different printer when using PrusaSlicer


Ah, I think that might be the reason. I always ignored that as I thought there is no need to modify it. It says

Above Z - 0

Below Z -235

I assume that I just simply add 398mm and It should continue to hop until it reaches that height?


Opublikowany : 10/04/2021 7:59 pm
Illustrious Member
RE: Z hop/lift z disables after a certain height on different printer when using PrusaSlicer

Yep. If you have 235 in there that explains why it won’t z hop above that height. 

Opublikowany : 10/04/2021 9:55 pm