Wipe into sub-object? Prusaslicer 2.2-beta / 2.1-final
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Wipe into sub-object? Prusaslicer 2.2-beta / 2.1-final  

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Wipe into sub-object? Prusaslicer 2.2-beta / 2.1-final

Background: Multicolor-Printing with MMU2s a multiple-STL-file.
So with both versions (2.1 final, 2.2 beta) of slicer I have a problem. Im happy that there is a option of "wipe into infill" for subparts, but it doesn't not seem to work consistently. Particular if I have a lot of STLs, the option of ticking "wipe into infill" is just not doing anything.

Can anyone explain to me how they can repeatedly enable the "wipe into infill" option?

Thank you for your help

Napsal : 26/02/2020 6:30 pm