Windows ARM64?
I assume the answer is no, because obviously it's a total niche right now. But any chance of getting a native ARM64 compiled version of PrusaSlicer for Windows 10? It'd be nice to get the additional performance from not needing x86 emulation when slicing. And I see you're compiling with VS2019 now anyway, though I don't know enough about it to know if the dependencies would be an issue in ARM.
That being said, I'm also really impressed at how little performance effect there has been in my light testing of the slicer on a Surface Pro X (in x86 emulation). Only about 10-15 seconds extra on a complex model I was testing compared to an 8th gen i7 laptop. Still, it'd be nice to squeeze out every last bit of performance.
RE: Windows ARM64?
I would also like to see ARM64 support for the SP X for the reasons already stated. I realize this is probably pretty low on the priority list, but going forward there are probably going to be more and more Windows devices running on ARM.
RE: Windows ARM64?
I realise this thread is old, however I now have a Dell XPS laptop with a snapdragon X1E80100. Apps that natively support it run very well, so I would be keen for a windows ARM64 branch of Prusaslicer
RE: Windows ARM64? tldr not that easy
See my GitHub and for some 3d stuff that you may like.